Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Project 7

In project 7 we had to make a I, IV, V chord. I didn't know what this was at first so it was hard to start off. As I learn what it was and how to do it, it was a little easier. After I made my chord it was hard to find something to go with it and what pattern. I found a few sounds I liked and I just put wrote them as the same way I wrote my first chord. At the end I add a kick drum, hat, and snare to kinda rap it all up. I think this was the hardest project for me so far.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Project 6

In project 6 I had to make a saw wave and a sign wave. The sound that we had to start off with was like a buzzer for school. A very plan sound but part of the task was to make it sound awesome which I think I did. The saw wave is like the buzzer but with little twist. The sign wave sounds like something from the show fx or star trek. It sounds pretty cool. I started off with the saw wave then add a kick drum. I had a bass it started to sound real good. At the end I added the sign wave. I like this project a lot

Friday, May 15, 2009

project 5

Project 5 we had to mess with the sound like make it fade away and fade back in. The project wasn't to hard, you had to make a noramle song then change the master volume. I didn't change it that much but a litte. At the end I made the song fade away for ex. this project was pretty fun to do. The song isn't perfect but it is o.k.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Project 4

In this project we had to mess around with the sounds. All it was was making adding more affects to the sound to make it sound better or different. This project was really cool but it was hard to make the right sound with the new affects. I stay with the same guitar loop the whole4 way through and just change the sounds around it. Over all I like this song I made. It was a little hard but after getting the base sound down it was a little easyer for me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chop Loop

This is the Chop Loop project. In these project we had to you use a bass guitar then put one long note and chop it it up. I really just want drums and a bass guitar so I din't mess with the other sounds too much. I start off simple and as the song got farther in I put more drums. I didn't want to use the same bass for the whole thing so truns the end I change that up too. Over all I like these song a lot. I think I did pretty good on it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bass loop

Starting with this project was a lot fun. You didn't have to think about what drums you need to put together. The drum loops were already made for you and you just got to put them together. I'm not to thrill about this bass loop but I think it is o.k. The hards thing for me was were and how to but a guitar in. It was hard to find the right place to put it in paino roll. I just had to try a lot of different places for it. Over all this song was fun to make and a little hard.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Project 1

Starting off with this project it sound really easy but as i got in to it I found it hard. I was putting to much and to many sounds in the song. When I put it together it just sound like a lot of sounds through together. I had to slow the song down make it sound more simpler. After I was down with that there was no bass sound that is what makes my song flow. When I was done I found out to start a project like this is to start with the bass sound. Then just work of of that. It will make the project easyer and get it down faster too.